

This blog/web site is part of an Erasmus+ Project (2018-2020) named: "United in diversity!? Processes of migration inside Europe and their effects on european societies - yesterday, today and in future."

This project is a cooperation of three participants:

General Lyceum of Intercultural Education of Sapes, Rodopi, Greece

Gymnasium Bad Essen,  Germany

Liceo Classico-Scientifico Ariosto - Spallanzani, Reggio Nell'Emilia, Italy

Migration processes have been taking place in Europe for some time, all of which have influenced us in some way. Related to the German past, migration processes took place in the time after the Second World War, which originated in the environment of the world war. Over the next few decades, there have been a significant number of migrant workers who have greatly changed Germany socially and culturally. In a pan-European context, especially in the case of labor migration, there were links between all three partner countries Germany, Greece and Italy. In this project, following the context of the subject, questions are to be considered that deal with the possibilities and consequences of migration movements for European societies. In different dimensions (at that time, today and in the future) and from the national perspectives these migratory movements are to be examined. The social, political and economic aspects of European coexistence should be addressed. In concrete terms, from a sociological perspective z. B. the reception conditions and integration options and also cultural influences for instance music, language and food culture are illuminated. Politically, legal conditions and impacts have to be taken into account, while in the economic field opportunities for the integration of migrants into the world of work, as well as the resulting costs, should be examined.

The participants of the project should train and extend various competencies. The students should acquire and deepen their knowledge of migration contexts in the specialist field. Here, the three dimensions make comparison possibilities clear, which are also highlighted by the different national perspectives and certainly treated controversially.

The capacity for empathy for the growing together of Europe is strengthened by the understanding of others, which is being trained. The thematic work on a common, European topic stimulates the debate on the European idea, positively sustains it positively, and makes it possible to experience others' understanding through intercultural contact. With the help of an exchange on the different, national perspectives of the present, the common European migration history should be better understood in retrospect.

The connection between the objectives and the priority "Social and educational value of European cultural heritage" is recognized in the pan-European context, which illustrates historical and current experiences with migration issues. The effects on our present national European societies will be discussed discursively and opportunities and problems will be discussed. In addition, the aspect of  integration will be examined in the sense of the priority of "social inclusion". The students as well as the participating teachers promote skills in the fields of media, communication, empathy, organization and foreign language.

SuS and teachers from the schools participating in the project (Gymnasium Bad Essen / Germany, Liceo Classico Scientifico Ariosto Spallanzani / Italy, GELDE Sapon / Greece) participate in the transnational project meetings, ie about 13 students per school and two teachers. There are one preand one follow-up meeting of teachers and three meetings, each in a different host country, the student groups. The project consists of three transnational meetings with each school. In the first phase, the S & T work first in individual schools and then transnationally in one of the three participating countries ("then"). The second phase, which is the same in organizational terms, includes the impact on today's European citizens and also on the students as an individual ("today"). In the third phase, a glimpse into the future of Europe daring to deal with migration issues ("in the future").

The foreign language competence and the reduction of stereotypes are sustainably supported. Empathy for European integration will be strengthened. The understanding of others for different perspectives can only be experienced in direct, intercultural contact with other European nations. The thematic work on a common theme stimulates and sustains the debate on European thought. With the help of an exchange on the different, national perspectives of the present, the common situation in the field of migration issues should be better understood. Transnational work contributes to the perception of Europe as a unity in diversity.